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The future of art spaces is much more in outdoor and site-specific places.


Before the Covid-19 pandemic, many artists and curators seemed getting tired of the white cube galleries, artwork hung on colorless walls, often in expensive areas of metropolitan cities. Because of the pandemic our already born tendency to change that turned into a must. We photographers have been forced to rethink how and where to show our work. Maybe also if and why. With whom to talk through our work.


Photoillustrata's aim is to live and create out-door and site-specific to connect with public on places where we live, hang-around, pass by in everyday life. Also explore the meaning of exhibiting, the impermanence of expositions and messages sent.


Our plan is to develop the tradition of outdoor photography festival taking place once a year first in Bohemia followed always next following year in Mallorca. At the moment we are in a stage of negotiations, networking and looking for mentor and partners.

Latin illustrare means to light up or enlighten.

To illustrate is to make something more clear, more visible.


PHOTOILLUSTRATA  illustrate by photography




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© 2021 by Photoillustrata & Zuzana Malina Cernohousova.

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