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Island Creative 2021 #03 | Son MOSSENYA past and FUTURE

Fri, 18 Jun



Photography creative stay and workshop focused on the current situation and the legal case of villa Son Mossenya, its history and possible future as an international art center. Based in Valldemossa environment, finalized by site-specific exhibition within 2021 and an art catalogue.

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Island Creative 2021 #03 | Son MOSSENYA past and FUTURE
Island Creative 2021 #03 | Son MOSSENYA past and FUTURE

Time & Location

18 Jun 2021, 13:00 – 08 Jul 2021, 13:00

Valldemossa, 07170 Valldemossa, Balearic Islands, Spain


About the event

TOPIC: #interpolbusca 

INTERPOL BUSCA al presidente de una falsa fundación Borges por una presunta estafa en Valldemossa 

Interpol seeks president of fake Borges foundation for alleged fraud in Valldemossa

Miguel Ángel Meizoso allegedly deceived Pilar Montaner to take over the property of the two Can Mossenya estates, according to the text of the complaint.

Miguel Vicens. Palma. 17.10.2009 | 01:22

Withing this creative stay and photography workshop we will focus on the contemporary approach to communicate various layers uncovered within this story. The body of work of each participant would not only be an artistic expression of one's perception of this topic, but also should be benefitial to this case of the villa illegaly taken away from Pilar Montaner, the aunt of the majorcan painter Pilar Montaner de Sureda. 

This project has an aim to point at the long-term unsolved case, which is paralyzing any possible development at villa Son Mossenya and bring life to its environment. Does it has a chance for a future as a meaningful place hosting various art fields, research and residencies? Does this villa at the sight of every Valldemossa's visitor deserves more, thank being considered as abandoned?

During our creative stay we will focus on development of our ability to pass to audience the right message. We also develope recognition of our own personal photography language and consult with each other how its perceived. We will learn to be able to talk about it, name it, see things in our own photographies.

The space of Villa Son Mossenya and its surrounding offeres many possibilities for other art forms creations, as sculptur, etc. With a base at the atelier studio next door each participant gets basic care to be able to devote his/her time to art.

The result of our photography research would be a final exhibition in site-specific or other chosen form, builded up in exteriers of the villa  and an art catalogue. Gathering will be accompanied by various happening out-door according to the whole group plans and ideas.

To join us, write to or sign in via the webpage form.

Price for participation for each 10days is 400euro including accomodation, consultations and production of the exhibition in basic form.  Raised money are also a support for development of Son Mossenya art center idea and everybody is getting part of the process by participation on these art gatherings.

Memories of Son Mossenya:

Elvira, what is your strongest memories of the Son Mossenya history?

This is the house around 1960, is our donkey “Caravaco” with two boys from Valldemosa, wearing the mallorcan outfit.

I remember playing around the gardens, also our uncle had bees and we helped him to take the honey out.

I remember the big table having lunch or dinner with strong formality, the had a servant at the table and a very good chef.

Catalina, cual es tu memoria mas fuerte conectada con Son Mossenya?

Me acuerdo de pequeña que había en el desván una cocina económica de juguete, que me gustaba mucho..... 

Era como las de verdad pero más pequeña. En la gran despensa tenían ricos jamones y nosotras íbamos y cogíamos 

un poco!

De más mayor, recuerdo que me gustaba mucho el comedor con sus grandes ventanales que salían al parral, 

y en la pared dentro colgados platos de cerámica preciosos. ...... Y el olor a Eucaliptus divino...

Y lo que hacíamos también siendo pequeñas, coger unas hojas de Eucaliptus y meterlas en bolsitas de papel transparente, sacábamos una mesita y los vendiamos a los turistas.

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